I had an amazing experience at the Construct 3D conference hosted by Duke University. I wanted to learn as much as I could about 3D digital design tools and 3D printing technology and to connect with experts and colleagues. This total immersion experience was just what I needed! I left energized with skills, ideas, and new connections.

Construct3D to Kamehameha Ed Tech Conference
Last year Pioneer Greg Kent traveled from Hawaii to North Carolina to attend Construct3D 2017. We thought we'd share his reflections with you now since we recently announced Construct3D 2018.

It was incredibly easy to talk everyone. I had to play it cool (although I didn’t) when I got to speak to Eric Schimelpfenig and Sean Charlesworth. I talked to Eric about my goal of taking our makerspace outside and my interest in Make’s featured CNC Makerspace Shed. Eric was full of energy and advice about how to make the project happen. I am a big fan of Tested and Sean’s projects have always inspired me. I admire them and was blown away by how humble they both were. Their body of work speaks for itself.

The Construct3D sessions were fast and furious. I liked the format and felt like I got a lot out of it. Three presenters that stood out for me were: Paul Schmitz, Tim Cooper, and Ryan Barnes. They generously shared their teaching experiences and managing the multi-project workflow at their schools which was invaluable.
In between sessions, one of the great conversations I had was with Payson McNett, an artist, and Kristy Golubiewski, an archeologist, about casting bronze swords by scanning examples and using 3D printers in the mold making process. The ways that content experts are leveraging these tools in the fabrication/creation process is amazing. Their willingness to share out their ideas is mindblowing. I know I can reach out to them if I need help or have an idea for a project.

I had the opportunity to participate in an Ultimaker Pioneer panel led by Kristen R. Schreck, with Alex Larson and Brian Wetzel, where we shared our different backgrounds and our different 3D printing journeys. I found myself engrossed by what my fellow panelists were sharing, nodding and getting into their stories. The audience interaction was great, everyone was passionate and willing to share their experience with us. I am looking forward to collaborating with Kristen, Alex and Brian again.
After I got back from the Construct3D conference I could not wait for the Kamehameha EdTech Conference that was happening locally at the beginning of June. I was energized and wanted to connect with local educators to start a conversation about Design Thinking and 3D digital tools. I shared our school’s experiences using Design Thinking as a guide for different projects we have done and gave teachers a taste of the digital design tools we are using at our school.

My goal is to excite students, teachers, and parents by bringing their ideas to life. Construct3D gave me the drive and support to make it happen. I can’t wait until next year’s conference!