Julian Hakes first discovered Ultimaker at the 3D Print Show in New York where he was exhibiting his Mojito Shoe footwear on the 3D Print Show catwalk. Hakes was a qualified architect and set up and ran an architectural office in London for over 10 years.

3D printed and prototyped shoes by Julian Hakes
We visited fashion designer Julian Hakes in his London and Hong Kong offices, to talk with him about his Mojito Shoe and how it came to life on an Ultimaker 2 3D printer. Watch his story below and read on for more info about Julian's business, plus a sweet timelapse of his Mojito Shoe being 3D printed on an Ultimaker.

After shifting towards fashion and especially shoes, he needed something to assist him in his new journey. Hakes envisioned a unique shoe that would require quite some testing and modeling. He was looking for a fast desktop machine for some time. Watch the timelapse below to see how the Ultimaker 2 easily handles a Mojito Shoe prototype.
After doing the research and creating many test files he was most impressed with the speed, accuracy, and reliability of Ultimaker machines. It led to an award-winning shoe that opened many more doors. The Ultimaker 2 that Julian uses allowed to create very stable, usable parts for catwalk presentations and also fast proof of concept models. For more Ultimaker 2 3D printing use cases, watch the video below, or explore the Ultimaker 2 on its product page.